About Me

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Ever since I was a very little girl writing is all I ever had to express myself. I am not one to talk to people; never really had anyone there for me at least not anyone who stuck around. What you are reading here is highly personal; more than you'll want to know about me. . .but it is my link to sanity. . .

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Tick Tock - There Goes My Mind

I’ve heard it said before that a mind is a terrible thing to waste. . .
Stuck in lands far away I’m finding it too simple to misplace

Idle time erodes the mind
Erases pieces of your sanity

Consumed by the thoughts swarming my mind. . .

Wrongs that can never be righted
Rights that should have been followed
Things that should be
Things that could be
Things that never will be

Preparing to re-enter reality
Can my mind handle all there is to face
Only time will tell. . .

Yes only time. . .
Time that has driven me to this madness

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