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Ever since I was a very little girl writing is all I ever had to express myself. I am not one to talk to people; never really had anyone there for me at least not anyone who stuck around. What you are reading here is highly personal; more than you'll want to know about me. . .but it is my link to sanity. . .

Wednesday, October 03, 2012

The existence of real, everlasting love. . .

Someone I know once said something to the effect of there being different loves in our lives for the different periods of our lives.  But what happens when what you truly desire, long for, yearn for is to find the one love that can last through many periods of your life, growing stronger each and every day?  Does such a love exist?  Can anyone find this love or is it reserved only for those people who some unknown deity finds worthy?  How will we know when we have truly found that love? 
Until very recently, I believed, with my entire being, including my deeply scarred, hardened and blackened soul that such a love did not exist.  At least not for me!  I spent my days feeling semi-sorry for myself.  Beating myself up; reliving many past relationships and ‘loves of my life’. Convincing myself I was undeserving; unworthy of anything so real, so pure, and so amazing!  Trying desperately to recall exactly what I had done so wrong in my life to make Karma repeatedly bitch slap me & skip away laughing.  But now, I get it!  I really finally get it!  I no longer fear growing old alone.  I have found my absolute best friend, the man who completes me and compliments me in every way possible; intellectually, emotionally and yes, even physically.  He makes me laugh; he makes me smile; he has shown me how to be happy not only with myself, but with life in general.  Even when we are not physically together, he is still with me.  I feel his love, his warmth & his presence at all times.  I know what we have is true.  I know what we have is real.  I know what we have will stand the tests of time.  I know what we have will only continue to grow stronger with every second of every day, year after year after year.  I know we were made and caused to cross paths just for each other.  It may have taken us 40 years to find each other, but I am not bitter about the time it took.  I do not look at it as having been cheated out of so many years of happiness with him; after all we have many, many years still ahead of us.  It simply means we were not ready, had not experienced enough in our lives to be ready for or recognize this amazing miracle until now.
I can hear the skepticism and guffaws now.  I hear you saying “I’ve heard this before!”  I hear you saying “You always say ‘but this one is different!’ ”  Oh yes, I hear it all.  But this IS different and this IS real!!!  How can I say this and truly mean it?  Because I just KNOW!!!
In the past, when I have ventured into a new relationship, jumped in with both feet, given wholly of myself, only to be disappointed, hurt, and left more & more bitter with each failed attempt there has always been a few common denominators. 
I always THOUGHT they were ‘the one’’; THOUGHT they were different; THOUGHT … THOUGHT …THOUGHT!!!  This time I KNOW!  There is no doubt, no fear, no hesitation, and no exceptions.
While I gave every relationship everything I had; I went into each one fighting to make it work from day one, already knowing the end was imminent and simply hoping I was wrong.  Or even worse, fighting my feelings out of fear of rejection, fighting my feelings because it was ‘too soon’ or unrealistic, trying to hold back my feelings because what I felt for them was so much stronger than what they felt for me! This time there is no fight, no end in sight, no fears and I know every feeling I have; he shares equally with me!
I spent my time on people who made me feel like I wanted to be a better person.  Like I needed to be a better person because who I was simply wasn’t good enough!  This time, the person I am is more than good enough and together we are both better people, not out of a need or desire to be, we just are!
In the past there were always excuses to be made and flaws to be over looked.  Now, there is nothing I need to make an excuse for.  No flaws in him or what we have.  No I am not blinded by this new beginning, nor am I wearing rose colored glasses. . my vision is flawless, as is he & what we are building.     
I am now a complete believer in love that can make it through all periods of my life!  I believe true, equal partnerships exist.  I believe I am as amazing, beautiful, intelligent, and as funny as he says I am.  I believe in him and his feelings for me.  I believe I am worthy. I believe I am truly one of the very few lucky and blessed people who can say they have found their soul mate, their other half that makes them whole!  I believe in us!!!! I believe in the existence of real, everlasting love!!!!


Anonymous said...

I am happy that you feel so good and positive about what you are experiencing. Thank you for sharing and allowing myself and others to believe that it is never too late for good things to happen. That we can still keep our own hopes alive.


Carrie Savicki said...

Ah Jules, and now you know the truth of the statement "when it's real you just know". It's because there is no other way to describe it. So happy you've found it.